Recent News

ATO Announces That “Collaborative Workshop Will Be Conducted Shortly” In Respect Of Software R&D Activity

April 12th, 2021

The AFR reported earlier in the year that leading technology companies (including Atlassian, Airtasker, Canva and Deputy, among others) had sent a letter to the ATO offering to convene a workshop with the ATO to “improve the understanding of software innovation in the tax office and, conversely, address any concerns the ATO has about software related claims.” Under the “matters under consultation” section of the ATO website, it is now noted that: A collaborative workshop will be conducted shortly; The […]

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R&D Tax Registration Deadline for YE 30 June 2020 is April

April 6th, 2021

Companies seeking to register R&D Activities conducted during the Year Ended 30 June 2020 (ie FY20 – last financial year) who are yet to do so should note that the Registration Deadline is 30 April 2021. Last year, AusIndustry applied a blanket extension to all companies’ FY19 R&D Applications due to COVID. We are of the understanding that this blanket extension will NOT be available for FY20 applications, and the 30 April 2021 statutory deadline (10 months after the end of the financial […]

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The Australian National Audit Office to Review Administration of R&D Tax Incentive

March 22nd, 2021

InnovationAus has reported that The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) is conducting an audit into the effectiveness of the Industry department and Australian Taxation Office’s administration of the research and development tax incentive (RDTI) program and is expected to table its report in October. Submissions are able to be made by stakeholders until May 2021. The audit criteria per the ANAO’s website states that “The ANAO proposes to examine: Are assessment, compliance and assurance arrangements effective? Are performance measurement and monitoring arrangements […]

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AFR Reports Top Tech Companies Approach ATO Seeking a Meeting to Discuss Eligibility of Software R&D Activity

March 15th, 2021

The AFR has reported this week that leading technology companies (including Atlassian, Airtasker, Canva and Deputy, among others) have sent a letter to commissioner of taxation, Chris Jordan. The letter reportedly includes an offer to convene a workshop with the ATO to “improve the understanding of software innovation in the tax office and, conversely, address any concerns the ATO has about software related claims”. This letter follows concerns around the eligibility of software development Activity under the R&D Tax Incentive […]

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