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ATO Release Decision Impact Statement on Auctus Resources Pty Ltd Case (Administrative Recovery of R&D Offset )

October 18th, 2021

Background On 12 October 2021 the ATO issued a Decision Impact Statement relating to the decision handed down by the Full Federal Court in Auctus Resources Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2020] FCA 1096. The case involved a ‘self-assessed’ claim for an R&D tax offset refund of $2,269,336 made by Auctus Resources Pty Ltd (Auctus Resources) for the 2012-13 financial year. The refund payment was made by the Commissioner of Taxation (the Commissioner) to Auctus Resources using an automated […]

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R&D Asset Temporary Full Expensing Considerations and ATO Guidance

October 11th, 2021

A significant (but temporary) change to operation of the R&D Tax Incentive for expenditure on tangible depreciating assets used in R&D activity came into effect during FY21.   Historically, and prior to FY21: The capital cost of a tangible depreciating asset is not eligible as R&D expenditure; A company is able to claim the decline in value on an R&D asset (as calculated under the depreciating asset provisions in Division 40) for the period that an asset is used in […]

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Industry Portfolio to be Shared by Two Cabinet Ministers

October 5th, 2021

The Government announced the resignation of Christian Porter from the Industry portfolio in September 2021 after approximately 6 months in the role. Energy Minister Angus Taylor was then appointed acting Industry Minister following the departure of Christian Porter. The Government has now announced that the industry portfolio will be shared, with Defence Industry Minister Melissa Price taking on the extra responsibility of science and technology and Angus Taylor permanently taking on the industry aspect of the portfolio. Liberal MP Tim Wilson […]

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Australian Based Immunetep Ltd (ASX:IMM) receives $3.4M AUD in French R&D Tax Incentives

September 30th, 2021

ASX listed, Sydney based company Immunetep Ltd recently announced that it has received a €2,126,617 (around A$3,400,000) payment in cash from the French Government under its Crédit d’Impôt Recherche scheme (CIR). A similar magnitude payment was received in the previous year. The payment relates to activity the company is conducting in Paris to develop its novel Immunotherapy treatments. Immunetep Ltd also registers activities under the Australian R&D Tax Incentive and has previously reported the following receipts: YE 30 June 2018 […]

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