Recent News

Senate Committee Manufacturing Industry Inquiry Recommends Periodic Review of R&D, Commercialisation, and Investment Incentives

February 11th, 2022

The Senate Economics Committee has this week released its report of inquiry into the Australian manufacturing industry. The terms of reference of the inquiry included review of the role that government can play in assisting domestic manufacturing industry, with regard to research and development and other factors. Notable statistics from the report include: Australian investment in R&D has declined over the last 20 years and is well below the OECD average. Relative to Australia’s GDP, R&D expenditure is around 1.8 […]

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Government Announces $2 Billion Research Commercialisation Action Plan Leading into Election Campaign

February 7th, 2022

A federal election is due to occur by May 2022. Thankfully, after years of instability and uncertainty, it is not expected that the R&D Tax Incentive will be impacted by the upcoming election campaign (in the short term at least). This is the case, since recent legislative amendments to the R&D Tax Incentive have only recently commenced after the October 2020 bi-partisan enactment, and it would be unlikely for further change to happen so soon. Both major political parties have […]

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Draft AusIndustry Determination on Clinical Trials (Phase 0-III) for an Unapproved Therapeutic Good

January 20th, 2022

AusIndustry has recently released a draft Industry Research and Development (clinical trials, Phase 0, I, II, III for an unapproved therapeutic good) Determination 2021 for consultation and feedback. This is the first R&D Tax Incentive determination published, and AusIndustry noted that they have consulted with the Australian Taxation Office and Department of Health as part of the coalition of this document. The draft document notes that: In respect of classifying the phase of a trial: Phase 0 clinical trial means […]

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ATO Release Finalised Tax Ruling TR 2021/9 (Adjustments to R&D Claims for Job Keeper)

January 17th, 2022

In July 2020, The ATO released TD 2020/D1: Income tax: notional deductions for research and development activities subsidised by JobKeeper payments. The ruling outlined the need for companies that are subject to both the R&D Tax Incentive and JobKeeper to adjust R&D claims on the basis that: The “at-risk” rule applies to R&D salaries reimbursed by Jobkeeper, and a company cannot notionally deduct the portion of wage expenditure incurred on R&D activities that has been subject to the JobKeeper payment; […]

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