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R&D Tax Incentive – Reminder of Key Points Before 30 June

June 24th, 2022

Companies planning registration of R&D activities in the FY22 period (for the YE 30 June 2022) should be mindful of the following before the upcoming end of the financial year: Findings for overseas activities: Companies seeking to claim expenditure for overseas activity in their FY22 R&D claims must apply to claim these costs by lodging an Overseas Finding Application before the end of the financial year (i.e. 30 June). In addition to general eligibility criteria, there are specific and extensive […]

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Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals (ASX:PAR) Received $8.2m R&D Tax Refund

June 13th, 2022

Melbourne based Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals has reported receipt of a $8.2 million research and development tax incentive refund for the YE 30 June 2021 relating to ongoing R&D activities into its pentosan polysulfate sodium treatment. The company has advised that the funds will be reinvested in R&D activities and to support its global Phase 3 and Phase 2 clinical programs. Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals’ R&D offset refund is one of the larger R&D tax offsets reported, alongside the likes of Telix Pharmaceuticals’ R&D […]

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ATO Release 2022 R&D Schedule Including Changes

June 2nd, 2022

R&D claims for the YE 30 June 2022 involve a number of changes from prior years, reflective of the legislative amendments arising in the October 2020 budget. These amendments change the mechanisms for calculation and reporting of R&D tax offsets to the ATO, which also presents the need for corresponding changes in the company tax return. In late May 2022, the ATO released its Research and Development Tax Incentive Schedule 2022 (NAT 73794) with corresponding changes to the labels within. […]

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Media Coverage of Change in Government Implications for the R&D Tax Incentive

June 1st, 2022

Going into the federal election held on 21 May 2022, it was not expected that the R&D Tax Incentive was to be impacted (in the short term at least), and there were not any announcements during the campaign that have been R&D tax specific. This was so, since recent legislative amendments to the R&D Tax Incentive had only recently commenced after the October 2020 bi-partisan enactment of the underlying law, and it would be unlikely for further change to happen […]

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